So it's been very busy here these past few days... as you would expect.
My dearest BAJ is earnestly updating and submitting his resume everywhere he can in hopes of finding a good job that he can invest many years into...coincidentally also is the son... who is also suddenly unemployed.... which seems crazy.
And the daughter and I have been working on things around the house... mostly gathering stuff that we put into a massive sale that we had the past few days... and we did better than we anticipated. The remains of the sale will (hopefully) be sold en-masse for some other person to have a sale... or donated to charity.
We also made appointments and such... and have an array of carpet people, electricians, and painters... to do fixes around the house. We had a visit from our Realtor... and gave him the "skinny" on all the repairs/ updates we've done to the house these past few years (new roof, new and updated water treatment system, kitchen remodel, bathroom remodels x2, got all new energy star appliances, new tile floor everywhere --'cept the bedrooms, new furnace, new water heater, new swamp cooler... the list goes on... ).
We still need to do quite a bit of yard work... and need to replace a few other misc things... but mainly... it's packing things up at this point (once the painting and carpet are done).
It's been an enlightening process in many ways. It's also been great to radically cut down the "stuff"... and keep only what we really like. I've been slowly downsizing our stuff since I had to quit working in 2003... 10yrs now/that's hard to believe.... but it's been good. And I think it's really made a difference in our lives... in more ways than you would think. At this point... we have very little furniture... misc stuff... household stuff; but alot of books, art, and art supplies.... so we need to work on that yet.
The one thing I haven't been able to do so far... was get all my photos/slides/negatives etc scanned and into digital files. But considering the amount of photos and such that this is... I will cut myself some slack. Perhaps that is the main job I will have once we are in our "next" place... wherever that is.
And so... the door is wide open. Who knows where things will go from here.
These next few weeks... finishing up this house... selling... moving... time will tell...
((the photo for today's post is one I took on a trip BAJ and I took to Seattle.
........I love the water... and this place was so very calming... and so it seemed appropriate))