for the weekend

Happy Mother's Day... especially to my own mom.

It's been a busy week here... and I've worked in the studio quite a bit.
I have (finally) organized most all my beads and supplies... and only have a little bowl of old jewelry to dismantle. It's amazing... and took way longer than I expected it too... but that's ok.

The herb garden is looking lovely, and although some of my bedding plants in the yard look a little ill (yes, I'm talking about the ornamental grasses I just put in---ergh).... there are others that look fabulous (like the hollyhocks!). We even have some morning glories peeking out from the dirt :)
And in the next couple of days we can probably harvest our first crop of lettuce.
It's wonderful.

I haven't been getting much quality sleep... and find that I have been overwhelmingly exhausted... but fortunately, I have still been doing alright. We even went to Barnes & Noble for our weekly coffee/ dinner date... and got some amazing books. We also had a couple excellent meals at our local Flying Star cafe... and it was delish.

And so we look towards another week. 
New adventures... new jewelry and art to make... lots of photos to be taken...

Much love to you all...

(here is a photo of my mom back in 1950-ish)