It's been interesting having the Etsy shop closed for an overhaul.
I've been going through items I've had stored (items for sale)... and gifting some of them...
and am planning on listing some of the items on Ebay soon as well. I also have a few collectibles that I will list on Ebay...
and some vintage items... just to clear out a bit.
and some vintage items... just to clear out a bit.
I've been collecting and wrapping up some items to gift people in the mail...
Cleaning out my cupboards and fridge... and thinking about this year's garden.
One of the things I will be changing in my Etsy shop, are the names of the shop sections.
I am changing them all to verbs.
I realize it is a somewhat inconsequential thing... but I believe in the power of intention... and the use of verbs
makes me envision things moving out of the shop... flying to their new owners... and growing our income.
Sometimes... it's the "little" things that make a BIG difference.