ah... the best laid plans of mice and men...

Sorry for not posting yesterday... chaos reigned the past couple of days... causing all sorts of upsets...
But in the good news... my mom's lump (she had a lumpectomy last week... and didn't want anyone to know)... has turned out to be not cancerous... my son had another day in court.. and it (mostly) went well... the hubby is getting better after his bout with depression... the daughter has amassed a HUGE amount of art for her Etsy shop...
and I am slowly... but surely... getting a few things done... in spite of being in a flare.
And so on it goes.

Tomorrow I re-open my Etsy shop.... and while I got alot of editing and re-organization done...
I didn't get as much new stuff made as I thought I would... but alas.... such is life.
There are new sections.... new items... new ideas for growth and creativity.


the photo is a shot I took of a colorful mural down on Central Ave here in ABQ.
I just think it's cool.