looking through the stash of paper in hand... I noticed similarities.
No... I didn't need a "power chair"... or hearing aids... or a condo in southern Florida.
Sorry... I am not in the market to buy a new car... sub-lease that time share... or refinance my mortgage.
I hate clipping coupons... and oh yes... there are some bills.
Such is life.
The weekend has almost gone.
Having hurt my back (again)... it seemed all I could do was lie about... and even that was painful.
And so; I got myself in some semblance of motion, and did some much needed tasks.
Alas, I failed to get my flag in on time for "The Hope Project"... and so it will be left somewhere in ABQ here as free art... but I've gathered photos and Haiku ... and hope to finish assembling of my Sketchbook Project journal; and get it in the mail by Tuesday. I got packages put together for the 3 winners of my blog "give-away"... and another 5 packages of goodies to folks who signed on my FB page for a handmade items "give away."
The clock ticks. Time sometimes goes by much too quickly... and I worry I don't get enough done.
Perhaps I do need that "power chair"...