
This year has been pretty rough... especially this past month; with the news ---
 bringing me to tears at times. So much tragedy and misfortune in this world.
On top of that, I have been dealing with illness, low motivation, low energy,  no inspiration, seemingly too many household chores... tons of projects sticking their wicked tongues out at me in disdain due to my lack of attention to them... I worry for my son and his future here... I worry about my extended family... their health and well being...  the list goes on. I worry too much. I know this.

I am not fond of winter here in New Mexico. It is cold, windy... icy... and yes, it has it's own beauty... but if I'm gonna suffer temps in the teens...
 it would be ice to have some snow and some sparkly to go with it... just sayin.
And so... I have been huddled in my home... packed in under more than one quilt... attempting to keep the chill off  my skin... and out of my heart.

It's a work in progress... and I am trying.... and I keep reminding myself of all the good in the world...
 all the places I've yet to see... all the people I've yet to meet... all the goodness to come...