
It's been sort of a comedy of errors... and a series of odd events... but it's been an interesting day.
We started out alot closer to Tulsa, OK than we thought we were last night... and because we severely over-slept
... we were already "behind" on where we thought we would be. 

That said... we had fun. We had a great breakfast/ lunch at a Waffle House diner... and a great visit with Virginia and the gals that work there. We took lots of stops along the way to take photos... and to enjoy the scenery. After all, that is what traveling is all about, right?

We took an extended tour of Miami, OK... including a nice coffee break... a burger at a 50's diner
... and took lots of photos around the fabulous Coleman Theater (which we went to on a previous trip).
We also went to what we thought was a fabulous Flea Market (there was even a sign that said "Flea Market")... but after an hour of wandering... taking photos... and gathering some things we wanted; we were told that it was an auction... and to put everything back exactly where we had gotten it from... as bids were on entire rows of items per lot. eeps. But it was fun.

Then we drove. And drove. And thought were might be making up a little of the mileage...
only to stop for the night around Lebanon, MO.... having not gone that far at all. 
Upon getting a wonderful room for the night...  I discovered that I had a fever, had gained probably 20 pounds of shear water weight,
and had weeping legs and bruising from all that fluid...
Which perhaps explains my fatigue and distortion of time. Ah well. 
We got a recommendation for a place to eat... and had a great meal at a local steakhouse
... and are now in for the night.

so here are the stats:

miles traveled: 240 (yes I feel inadequate)
gas: $30
breakfast/ snacks/water/ dinner and tips: $60
trinkets from an antique place: $40 
tolls: $6
hotel: $110
photos taken (both of us combined): 625