well..... the daughter and I are on the road.
I have done this trip so many times... and yet... the road always offers something new and interesting.
As usual, I did make a short stop in Cuervo, NM (a wonderful ghost town along I-40)... and took more than a few shots of the desert beauty... and a very cool old abandoned building. The light was amazing.
Throughout the drive, we saw alot of gorgeous scenery, and were blessed with an astounding sunset in our rear view mirror. We also saw alot of ravens... and a stunningly handsome huge 6 point buck (alive... and watching the traffic from his spot near some big rock).
For dinner, we stopped at the Big Texan... which is a feast for the eyes... as well as the stomach... with all it's kitch and cowboy wonderfulness... and discovered that we were amongst a huge group from England... who were having lots of fun... and lots of beer :) -- I kept waiting for Dr. Who to come out of a telephone booth somewhere...
and so the totals are:
drove about 300 miles...
spent: $10 on snacks and water, $10 on trinkets and postcards,
$40 for dinner (for 2), $60 for gas, $80 for a hotel room
$40 for dinner (for 2), $60 for gas, $80 for a hotel room
photos taken (both of us combined): 400