
I'm sweltering here;
sizzling in a frying pan.
--"but it's a dry heat"...


It's been horribly hot... like 95 late in the after noon (I'm afraid to look at my thermometer in the heat of the day).
This week has been horrible. Lots of emotional upset.. misunderstandings... heartache... lost dreams...

And then today... I had to go in for a biopsy of a (probable) skin cancer lesion on my leg. 
It actually required stitches... as it was deep and wouldn't stop bleeding.
Anyway... this means... cervical cancer in 81 and 84... lumpectomy in 97... complete hysterectomy/ 1/3 of my bladder and 1/3 of my bowel removed -- also in 97... several skin lesions since then... and now one more.

On one hand... I know it's not a big deal (most everyone in the southwest gets some form of lesion)...
but on another... I am so overwhelmed right now. It seems so much at once. as usual... and yet... ugh.