
I'm feeling about as spiffy as this barn...

I hate being sick. Every year I get bronchitis... and you'd think I would be used to the process...
But... every time it surprises me how much I cough... how sore everything is... (I even broke ribs twice due to coughing)...
and how exhausted everything makes me. It's a struggle to breathe.

And so... I am taking my nebulizer treatments as ordered... and trying to rest as much as possible... 
drink lots of fluids... yadda, yadda. And here I am at 5am... coughing up my toes.

Anyway. I'm not here to complain. 
I am here to show you this photo that I took a couple years ago back in PA. I love this old barn. 
Not only is it right across the street from one of my all-time fav houses... but the paint on it is just stunning. It's been locked for as long as I can remember... and I'm still not tall enough to look in the windows... so who knows what treasures it holds...
 what wonders it contains... my imagination goes crazy... in a good way.

Oh... and did I mention that today is Friday the 13th?!
How cool is that :)