I am quite excited about 2012.
It's the Year of the Dragon... and according to Chinese Astrology... I am a dragon
... so this is MY year.
... so this is MY year.
When I first was thinking about the goals and such I wanted to accomplish this year... I came up with quite the list. Now... I am not saying that I am not going to pursue each and every thing on that list...
But I will say that ... other things are probably going to be more to the forefront... at least right now.
For instance. I need to get my health in order.
As women... I think we tend to put ourselves on the back burner... and this isn't going to cut it for me anymore. And so... this week I (finally) made an appt for the dentist... and went in yesterday for a consultation. I get the follow-up appt next week... where I will get 2 caps replaced because of cracks.. and 2 cavities fixed (because of the cracks)... and a root canal for an abcess that developed on a third tooth. eeps.
I also went to see the Chinese Massage people .. . and got a fantastic (though somewhat painful) overhaul.
I got a pedicure (the first in probably a year)... and treated myself to some wonderful shea butter and body scrub while I was at it.
I also ordered myself a new pair of glasses on-line.
A couple years ago when I went to see an eye surgeon... I was told that I could no longer get "lightweight" glasses because my eyes were too bad... my astigmatism was too severe... and I needed eye surgery as I was slowly losing my eyesight. eeps. Anyway... the crux of it was that my glasses would cost $600. I declined... and have been putting up with my 7yr old lenses/ frames. But honestly... they are way too damaged and scratched to really see very well out of them. And so... I was (finally) able to find a place on-line that will make them for me for MUCH less. WoOt!
And I made an appt with my medical doctor for a physical.
I know it sounds obvious...
but if we don't learn to take care of ourselves... how can we possibly take care of anyone else