
I have this horrible fear of failure.
And I procrastinate.
And .... well ... I'm sure you've all been there at some point.

I have been meaning to open up a website in order to sell my photographs for a couple of years now.
I tried years( and years) ago on Ebay... but Ebay really isn't a good marketplace for photography.

I tried listing some of my photos on Etsy (back in 2008).....
But they got lost in the OCEAN of fabulous photos on Etsy.com

I tried (unsuccessfully) to figure out how to start my own domain/ website.
(I'm not that techie savvy)

But, because I am stubborn... and still want to make this work... today I opened up a SmugMug account... where I hope to list TONS and TONS of  my photos so that people can see them... and buy them if they wish...

I have a lot of tweaking to do as far as the look of the site is concerned... and... of course... I have lots of photos to list... and pricing to do... but it's a start.