It's been a crazy day.
We woke up to snow.... that very quickly became a heavy snowstorm... (temp as low as 24 degrees)
To mist and fog...
To blinding, sunny skies... cacti...(temp around 60 degrees)
---winding roads thru desert terrain... and the Mojave...
...followed by 2 1/2 frantic hours of being lost in LA (during rush hour)... making our way to a Starbuck's to get directions on the internet... FINALLY getting to a hotel that accepts pets... paying an outrageous fee... (but having a great room)... ordering dinner... and (hopefully)... having a peaceful night...
The Stats:
$100 on gas
$80 on food ($50 was Thai food delivered to our room... plus snacks, water and coffee on the road)
$26O for the room ($100 is a pet fee... non-refundable)
miles traveled: around 480... plus getting lost... >>sigh<<