
So... I have had a hard time thinking about how to write this post... as I don't want people to think I am completely nuts... but then... anyone who knows me... already knows that I am nuts... so here it goes.

I have a "visualization/wish board" hanging in my house. Basically... I've taken the side of my fridge.. and I post pics of things I would like to get... or like to achieve... or aspire to become... that sort of thing.
Poems... text... snippets of things... photos... magazine cut-outs... all are hanging there by magnets or slips of tape.
I started it about a year and a half ago... and so far... I have been really blessed.

One of the items I posted on there... was a photo of my dream vehicle. I had a fairly new SmartCar.. and I liked it alot... but it just wasn't serving my needs at the time. I needed a vehicle that I could take my parents fishing in on back roads in PA (my dad was terminally ill at the time... and loved fishing). I really loved the Jeep Liberty... but it was too expensive... and I was still paying on the Smart. It seemed impossible. And yet... Last summer I spontaneously went in to my local Ford dealer to look at the used vehicles... and he had a Jeep Liberty with only 30,000 miles on it. Long story short... it was silver (what I wanted) with grey interior (what I wanted)... lots of chrome (a bonus)... AND most importantly... when all was said and done... I ended up owing just a little more than on the Smart... with my payments being about the same as well. Why my FORD dealer had a Jeep... I will never know. But I am grateful.

Also on my wish board... was to get my studio in working order. This was finally accomplished this summer as well... in part... due to help from a friend that was staying with us at the time. She was a great motivator.. and was very encouraging while I was going thru the stuff.

Bu the latest miracle... happened this weekend.
I had posted on my wish board, a photo of a storage system/ cabinet... with 60 drawers to organize my beads and findings. I had little hope of getting it... as it was severely out of my price range. But. Knowing the success in the past with my board items... I just started plugging away... and saving everything I could from Etsy sales. On a lark... my daughter saw an ad on Craigslist for the very cabinet I wanted. I followed thru... and after several emails and phone calls.. the cabinet was mine. Amazingly... I had saved enough money to pay for it.... and even more amazingly... it fit in my Jeep!
As an even more incredible thing... I soon found out that the seller intended on gifting me with ALL the beads in the cabinet... as well as pliers, wire, findings... so much stuff that was completely extra. I am floored. And excited. And amazed. And grateful.
(Any extras I intend to offer for cheap in my Etsy store... to share in the bounty... so stay tuned for some awesome deals in my shop... and some cool projects to come).

The moral of this story is this: Keep dreaming. Don't give up. Nothing is impossible. Know what you want... know that it can happen.... and keep plugging towards it.