Anne Lamott is a well known writer ... and once made an analogy about artists, saying: " You can do brickwork as a laborer or as an artisan. The laborer works long days looking forward to it all being over. He sweats and toils. The artisan works even harder, because it's a labor of love. He also sweats and toils. He loses track of the hours and can't believe it's already time to pack up and go. Finally, when the job is done, there is a quality about the essence of the artisan's brickwork that is intangible, inspiring, warming, and full of pride. Now then, imagine if the brickwork was tragically damaged. The laborer would curse, while the artisan would cry."
Lots of people have talent... and in my opinion... everyone has the ability to be creative. That said... not everyone is an artist. We all have the potential to create art... but -- to me--- the true artist is one who is compelled... driven... forced (if you will) to do art as a labor of love for the craft.
It is not something we do... it is who we are.
I know a woman who is very talented... and she makes fabulous paintings. However... she once told me that she goes for years without painting... especially if she doesn't have just the right brush... or a certain brand of paints. I'm not sure I understand how she can do that. For me... the art, for her then, is not a driving force of her being. Yes, she is talented. Yes, she can make wonderful art. Is she an artist? I don't think so. She doesn't have that drive that compels her to work on her art every single day...
Today I was thinking about all this... .and thought...
What drives you? What motivates you to create?
Put this energy into your art...
About the photos for today's post:
I love the rain.... and living here in the desert has really accentuated my love for rain even more. After months of no rain... it finally rained here ... and I couldn't be happier. A lot of photographers shy away from taking photos in the rain... and for me... it is just one more lovely thing to focus on...
That said... take precautions to protect your equipment ( or use disposable or cheaper equipment )...
and go have some fun!
*photos by Elaine A. Russell