
Sometimes you just have to "hang tough."

When my daughter and I were wandering about Nob Hill the other night... we saw this fabulous statue in the window of Hey Jhonny (a great store). They always have really interesting displays there... and I love to photograph them. This particular statue is of a warrior... I'm guessing it's African in style... if not origin.
Either way... it spoke of hanging tough... shielding yourself... perhaps even putting your armour on...

Ironically... I have also been designing a new set of meditation beads with a small sterling silver charm of an armadillo. As a totem animal.... armadillos are there to help protect you... shield you... and teach you how to say NO to things... see more here.
And how appropriate all this is...
with the onslaught of allergy season descending upon us here in ABQ...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell