One of the things that got me seriously into photography... was a love for the old family photos I occassionally saw at family gatherings and such. The photo above, is of my paternal grandmother when she was around 2-3yrs old ( around 1912-13). It was one of a strip of photos that I am assuming was taken at a traveling carnival in one of those old time photo booths. It was really small... and quite damaged. As soon as I was able too... I made a copy... learned how to enlarge it... then taught myself hand coloring of photographs with Marshall's Oil paints. The photo above, is my re-touched version (the slice is a recent injury on this particular print).
I love hand coloring... and it seems to be a dying art... and the results can be fabulous.
One of the things I hope to do more of in the future... is altering old photos like this... if only to keep as family heirlooms. Besides... she was awfully damn cute :)