
It's day 3 in a row of this amazingly negative energy cloud that seems to have engulfed me in it's snares.

First it was the news... sporting dismaying stories of dead birds, manatees, crab...
Then it was the incident yesterday at a local shop... people highly on edge and taking it out on innocent bystanders... spewing hatred and venom everywhere...
And now today... with the news of shootings and death in Arizona.

I am shocked and dismayed at today's news. It's not that these things don't happen every day. In fact... I am more in shock because these things DO indeed happen every day. It's like we as a human race have gotten so very far away from the good that we could be doing... and we are lost and confused.

It's like we, as a population... seem to be spinning out of control...


I feel like (for me at least)... it is time to take a huge step back... rest. Clear the air. Say some prayers. Think good thoughts. It's time to throw something positive back out and into the world.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell