I find that I am good for about an hour... and then I am pretty much useless for the rest of the day/evening/night. It is very frustrating. But... it is alse teaching me what is of a priority in my life at the moment... or not, as the case may be.
Over the past several days... I have discovered that I can basically do the minimum around the house (wash a few dishes, feed the dogs, throw some clothing in the washer), and take a shower... and that is usually it.
I have continued to take my photos for the "photo a day" challenge... but I have also discovered that with the massive "virus attack" on the laptop... I lost 2 full days worth of photos that I had downloaded and edited on my laptop... most of them being from the UNM/ downtown area when the daughter and I went out for lunch. Murals... and art ... and... ah well. There is only so much I can do. Fortunately, there were a couple of photos still on my little Kodak...
Thankfully... I have some very supportive friends and family... who are willing to help me with the slack around the house ... and I am very grateful for that.
Photos for today's post were all taken at Octopus Car Wash... while I was getting Roxanne (the Jeep) a thorough cleaning...