"Rainy days and mondays always get me down..." ... or so the song goes.
I did finish crocheting a scarf the other night... and last night I finished the last of my books that I brought with me from ABQ... this one being "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. It is a gripping book... and I finished it in record time. Perhaps it is the lingering sadness of this book... that effected me to day... who knows.
The first photo I took from my Jeep as I went to get lunch today
(with some altering on my part as to what the sign actually said).
Then I took the photo of the shed through a large picture window in my mother's living room today... on a moment when the rain had slowed and the sky was very overcast.
My photo for the day is the one below of the apple in my hand. Because it was raining most of the day, I didn't really want to go out again in the cold and damp. And so... I actually took this photo in front of that same picture window. The rain was really coming down at that point... and so I tried to blur out the background and just get the effects of the glistening raindrops on the yard behind the hand I was holding the apple in.
However... on a positive note... I made a fantastic dinner that would make my daughter proud.
Man were they tasty!