
For the record... I really hate drama and conflict. As a kid... I would try to go out of my way to try to smooth things over... make things right... whatever it took. I felt, almost... like it was my job. When I came back from Germany as an exchange student... I was much braver... and I tended to speak out a bit more, which sometimes got me into trouble.

Perhaps it is getting older... perhaps it is that I am becoming less tolerant... perhaps it is because I am a natural redhead... who knows--- but I find that I am much more inclined to speak my mind nowadays. I am never intentionally rude... or intentionally hurt any one's feelings... but sometimes it happens. And for that... I am sorry.

I think perhaps, it is a natural tendency for people to take things personally. I know I always did. I always felt that everything was my fault. Someone upset? Was I too loud? Someone sad? What did I say? tidal waves in the far east? Probably something I did... the list went on.

But I've learned you can't be everything to everyone. You can't make everyone happy. And you can't solve every one's problems. I've tried. It doesn't work. Heck... half the time I can't even figure my own stuff out :)

And so... I try to apologize when I need to... and I am able to... and I move on.
Perhaps that is all any of us can do.


About the photos for today: I almost forgot to take photos for today. Just as it was getting dusky, I ran to the back yard and took a few shots of some of the plants in my mother's yard. The light was awesome... and I am a sucker for ferns and flowers.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell