
Well... my family's hesitation was well founded. Around midnight, my mom called with the tearful news that my father had just passed away. Having been restless and in pain earlier in the afternoon... it was a relief when ... during the course of the evening, he became much more peaceful and was able to rest. The profound love between my parents was evident as he gazed at my mother whilst taking his last breath...

After notifying family on my mother's behalf... and after talking with my mom... I got a few hours of sleep before getting up again this am. I tried to leave early... and get as far as I could in my travels today. And now I am "in" for the night... somewhere in Oklahoma.

I am traveling with my beloved Sabrina... and she seems to be enjoying the ride. This is my 4th trip cross country in the past 12 months... and although I should be familiar with the road... I can't keep my mind on it.