Today I posted about 1/3 of our furniture on Craigslist. I listed bedroom and living room furniture. It is stuff we no longer need... and hopefully it will all sell. If not, I will probably find a charitable organization to donate it to. The point is... the process has begun.
I am not taking this lightly... and I am taking my time. I am going thru everything we own, and really trying to decide what it is we truly need or want... and what we can easily do without.
My hubby is working on a big project... and needs more space... so I am going to concentrate this week on organizing him an office space. And... I am needing a more clearly defined space of my own to do my art in ... so I am taking over the garage.
Ideally... I would paint the entire interior of the house first... but I can't afford to do that right now. So... I am moving on ahead anyway. Sometimes you just have to go for it.