
I went up into the mountains late this afternoon in celebration of Summer Solstice.
I was trying to clear my head... as I've been feeling really "off" lately.

Many traditional celebrations on this day include hiking & camping... generally being out in nature... and bonfires.

"Solstice (pagan) festivities in Europe were "Christianized" when the Church set June 24th as a holy day celebrating the birth of St. John the Baptist. Jesus referred to John as "A burning and shining light" and so traditional pagan customs of lighting bonfires were easily appropriated for the Christian holiday."

"In Summer Solstice (Native American celebration) --we enter the Season of Shawnodese, the summer, the time of the Noon-day Sun. This is the time of the Coyote - the trickster aspect of Creator. During this season we are again presented with an opportunity to heal the doubt and fear blocking our heart's function. Growth, Trust, and Love make up the spirit path, the path of power of Shawnodese, from the outer circle of the Wheel of life to the inner circle where the power of life is focused in the elements of Creation..."

Links about Summer Solstice:

--------------> photos by Elaine A. Russell