
I have learned... if nothing else... to never say "never." Dad is actually doing better... and enjoying the movies we are watching on a daily basis. Tonight we watched a couple 1970's episodes of the "Carol Burnett Show".... and we watched "The Philadelphia Story" with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. Honestly, I like the Bing Crosby remake better...much as I do adore Katherine.

These past couple of nights his mind has been as sharp as it ever was... on most subjects anyway... In fact... on most he has me beat. I, however, am hopelessly falling apart..... I won't go into details because, frankly, it is NOT a pretty picture... and I'm all about the photos 'eh... (a little humor here).

Today I had a few minutes while my mom was in the grocery store... and I wandered up the alleyway to see if I could get a photo for today. It's funny. This is such a small town really... but parts of it look fairly urban... almost congested in spots. I love all the little nooks and crannies of the buildings here... and knowing that most of them were built in the 1880's.... I can just imagine people of those days hanging their laundry out on the lines... chatting away about the hustle and bustle of the town...I can almost see paperboys looking around the corners... hoping for an extra coin to buy candy....

(...go on and watch now... ya know it's good...)