a late night ....oversleep kind of day

*photos by Elaine A. Russell
I am having a difficult time writing a blog post today. It feels like so many things are swirling about in my brain that I can't focus on one topic. So... I will make a sorta schizophrenic list of things rambling about in my brain:
  • I am very happy that the hubby is home. Picked him up at the airport last night (photos above)
  • I am worried about my one neice. She has had a very rough life these past few years, and just when things seem to be looking up, they aren't. I spent several hours on the phone with her today.
  • I am concerned about my nephew. Won't even go there, right now.
  • I am missing my sister.... but I am also grateful that her husband found such a wonderful woman to be his new wife.
  • I am frustrated with the remodel progress... we have been in limbo now for a couple weeks.
  • And yet, there are so many things I should be doing to fix up the house on my own...
  • I need to pay bills, etc
  • I need to get back to work on my jewelry and art projects
  • my daughter made some fabulous pumpkin soup, seasoned pumkin seeds, and scones :)
  • have to go in for a biopsy test on my thyroid (nodules>?)
  • kids are growing up so fast and moving on...it's like a whole chapter is closing
It's just a confusing kind of day. But... tonight is the Nob Hill Nights venue... and I hope to go and look at some cool art, and see some fun stuff...