Another week down… and it seems like I’ve got nothing to show for it.
Oh, I’ve done the minimum… laundry, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the pup, watering the plants, etc… but nothing “new and exciting.” I know this ‘funk’ will pass…. but I hope it happens soon. I’ve made some forays into working at being creative…. I’ve ordered some paint markers, and some interesting books to read…. and a few beads from India. I feel awful, as I have a couple projects that have needed finished for oh-so-long… and I just can’t seem to get them done. Current events here are just overwhelming, and I worry so for the future of humanity and life here on Earth. I am so afraid we have passed the point of rebounding back from all this f*ckery… but alas. I know that I can’t effect change on that grand a scale. I can only do what I can do…. and it seems so small. Yet, I am doing what I can.
Below is a ‘collage’ of sorts…. photos I’ve posted on Facebook for my snapshots of the day. And below that, a photo of some of the fantastic beads I have waiting for my creativity to return.