so… it’s the 4th… and it’s hot… and we are still having a tsunami of deaths due to Covid-19. And frankly, with all that is going on here in the US; I hardly feel like celebrating our country. Our ideals are faulty…. our history has been violent…. particularly to minorities, POC, Natives, women… and immigrants. You’d think having fled from an oppressive regime, that our forefathers would have both made a better example of themselves, and put more guides in place to assure that people weren’t taken advantage of. But…. yes. Here we are. I am appalled, dismayed… disheartened… and broken. I am sure others feel the same. And yet… the news is filled with stories of folks that show the worst humanity has to offer…. and they are us.
All I can do is hope, and do what I can to effect change… and hope enough of us survive to make it better.
And so today…. I swept the balcony. I trimmed all the plants and watered them. I cleaned out the hanging Nasturtium beds and replanted new seeds. I moved the Carolina Wren nest, as the family of wrens seemed to have all left… (no signs of them for the past 2 days). They did leave behind an egg, which I assume did not fertilize properly. I harvested herbs from the raised planter box, and am drying them in the oven. I am working on laundry… and did the dishes. I made mashed potatoes (something soft for me to eat as I am still having dental issues/ 2 more caps have shattered and left holes in my mouth)… and I literally cleaned out the fridge and added all kinds of stuff to a chicken shawarma type of crock pot dish… which we will have for dinner.
Last evening, I gave Bugsy a ‘healthy’ dose of CBD to help with his anxiety, and gave him a haircut; or at least as best of one as I could give him, given his fear of the clippers…. especially near his head/ face/ feet. He is such a sweetheart, and he really has come such a long way in the 4plus months he has been with us.
And now I am completely done-in. So I am pulling out the whiskey… making a jug of mint tea (with mint from our balcony pots)…. and may just zone in front of the tv or read a good book.
Below is a collage of photos from my “snapshots for the day”… this past week.