It’s been a strange week. … and I don’ have much to show for it.
Upon reflection, I think I thought that once my mom passed… and we moved… that life would go on as it was before we ever went to PA. Obviously, that is not the case. Being the primary caregiver for my mom for 6yrs had many profound effects for me. Since moving here a year ago, I’ve been physically sick with one thing or another… and I’ve also had some very real issues with anxiety and depression. Having a close circle of family and friends has certainly helped… and so has the love of ZeeZe…. and now Bugsy. Things are ever evolving … things are ever changing… hopefully, for the better.
Speaking of Bugsy — this weekend, he allowed me to trim his hair a little with a shaver. Not completely, as he is very sensitive about his face and his legs/feet being touched. So they will have to wait for another time… and I will try to use scissors. But for now, it’s a little better. His hair has grown a lot! He is so sweet….
The balcony gardens are doing fairly well. Considering it’s small space, and it’s been extremely hot and humid… they are growing nicely. We’ve even had a couple salads comprised of greens from our own raised bed.
I haven’t been creating much… I took a week off to promote #melanatedVoices on Facebook. During this time, I have read lots on racial injustice, history, and more. I donated to a couple causes I relay believe in…. and have been trying to effect change in any way I can. In addition to reading, I’ve been watching more things . I watched the entire first season of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”… and a documentary called “the Minimalists.” I did quite a bit of clearing out. Clearing out excess stuff… clearing out friends on Facebook that no longer ‘fit.” Clearing out thoughts and ideas that no longer serve me. And it’s ongoing….
Hope you are all staying safe. Below is a collage of my “snapshot for the day” photos that I take and post each day on Facebook.