
So. Bugsy has been with us for 7 weeks now. He had a vet visit this week… his first one to our family vet. I had put it off because there was no urgency, and we are social distancing…. but he is coming up on the time to renew his meds, and it seemed prudent. He is in great shape! He has lost a few ounces, so the doctor put him on an herbal appetite stimulant, and we are continuing his glaucoma meds and his liquid prozac. He is significantly more alert and active than what I was told he was doing in the foster home… so I think that accounts for his weight loss, even though he is eating better as well. Plus… when we came home from the vet, he rolled around making “grunty-happy” noises and let me rub his tummy for the first time! So I think that is all very good, and progress is definitely being made.

Other than that,… life is sorta at a status quo/ limbo. I find that I am almost immobilized by >>??<< I don’t know what. But I seem overwhelmed by everything, and I can barely get the minimal stuff done. I am petrified of doing the taxes for some reason (and I have my mom’s estate & last filing year to do). Yes, I am still keeping up with housekeeping, dishes, cooking… that sort of thing. I am still taking a ‘snapshot’ every day to post online along with cool links of free stuff/ interesting stuff for folks to look at. But anything creative has really been not in the cards. … at least for now. …. it will come. On the other hand, the garden pots seem to be doing ok… and I actually have some lettuce sprouts coming up!!! The weather has been nice, the trees here are blossoming with leaves… and even though I am not out and about… I can imagine what is potentially blooming elsewhere.

I think now is the time for all of us to think about what is truly important, and what kind of world we want to come back to. I am hoping there will be a resurgence of care for the environment, respect for all our fellow humans, and a coming back to some good ideals… cooking, gardening, spending time with those we care about, reading and the arts. Please keep safe…. and please keep everyone else’s safety in mind when moving about through the world.
