ok. I am a day late (technically, almost 2)…. and I am sorry.
This week is so much of a blur, and I am not sure exactly why.
Jim was in Colorado all week… (probably why)… and my sleep schedule was off all week. If I recall correctly, much of my time was basically spent snuggling near Bugsy, and watching old movies/ tv shows/ reading and surfing the internet. … cooling good food.
There were a couple ‘stand-out’ things though. I watched an incredible movie called “Seraphine” (link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1048171/). There have been some artists that I just feel so impressed and motivated by…. Vivian Maier, Henry Darger.. to name a couple). And now… Seraphine. Wow. It was an incredible movie… and I am blown away by her art.
AND—- after 20+yrs of making jewelry, tonight I ordered a ‘fancy” Wubbers set of pliers. They are made to be easy on your hands, and I am looking forward to that.
Bugsy! Bugsy has been with us a total of 2 weeks now (one week as fostered, one as adopted). He is eating more consistently: usually a good sized dinner, and maybe a snack in the morning. He is taking his meds well. He doesn’t drink much water -usually at supper, and after his last pee break for the night. He sleeps quite a bit of the time, but at least he doesn’t seem as nervous and shaky when he is awake. And, he is getting braver! He has even walked in the grass a bit… it’s been amazing to watch.
I am beginning to feel a bit better. I am not sure if it’s because spring is finally coming… or that I have (finally) gotten rested after years of chaos…. and the traumas that have incurred. On one hand, I am sad that it’s taken me so long to recover from the various deaths, job moves, home moves, etc… but on the other… there has been a lot. To be honest, it doesn’t matter, as long as I am indeed on the road to recovery. Here’s to the next phase!