
It's a rainy, overcast day here in Potter County, 
so I've edited some older photos of mine that I've not shared before.


Last week, things were a bit chaotic... and so I was mainly just posting my  photography.
I think that this week... I will do the same. 
Sometimes you just need to take a bit of a step back... and rest and reflect. I am hoping to do that this week.


Last week, things were a bit chaotic... and so I was mainly just posting my  photography.
I think that this week... I will do the same. 
Sometimes you just need to take a bit of a step back... and rest and reflect. I am hoping to do that this week.


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 2 years now!!!
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


Willa had an adventurous spirit.
Her sisters, Felicity and Prudence, fully lived up to their names... thankfully, Willa's parents didn't go with the traditional
 'chaste' names of the times, and named her after her paternal grandfather.
Like her grandfather before her... she was always getting into scrapes...

There was the time when she was very little... and she had climbed up on the roof of her home,
only to watch with bemusement as her family searched high and low for her.
There was the time she stole her father's farm truck and went joyriding with her friends, only to end up in a ditch and walking home.
And of course, there was the time she spiked the punch at the church social... and everyone blamed the minister's son.

Here she is (many) years later on one of her "summer holiday" trips.
Every summer, she and her unmarried girlfriends would travel to a new location.
On this trip... they cruised around the 1000 Islands in New York State.
(afterwards, there was battered fish and beer to be had).


Last week, things were a bit chaotic... and so I was mainly just posting my  photography.
I think that this week... I will do the same. 
Sometimes you just need to take a bit of a step back... and rest and reflect. I am hoping to do that this week.


Last week, things were a bit chaotic... and so I was mainly just posting my  photography.
I think that this week... I will do the same. 
Sometimes you just need to take a bit of a step back... and rest and reflect. I am hoping to do that this week.


My hubby says this was a bunch of A-10s that were screaming over our house today...


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


Johnny, Trixie, and Larry
Mike and Karen
So says the notations on the back of this photograph.

I imagine they were kids who lived in the city... perhaps Pittsbugh or Philadelphia or Scranton...
and always hung out together.
Running through the streets.. playing dodge ball and baseball...
getting sweets at the local candy shop...
sneaking in the movies on the weekend.

I'd like to think that Johnny and Trixie eventually married.. and hosted summer barbecues at their home in the New Jersey suburbs for their old friends. Karen bought a diner and stayed in the city... married and had 8 children and raised them in her childhood home.
Mike became a truck driver, and married his high school sweetheart. These days they can still be found traveling with their 2 pet Pomeranians.
and Little Larry? He became a dentist.
He now has a condo in Belize, and loves to go fishing.
He probably has too many Hawaiin shirts in his closet.... just sayin'


.. somehow, yesterday, I managed to get heat stroke....
And today I am completely drained as well. I've eaten extra protein, and increased fluids, et all...
But I am thinking that today might be a bit of a wash.

That said... I've laid out potential earring designs in my studio... and they are calling to me.
Perhaps this will be a productive week once I get a little bit better.


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


According to the back of this photo; this is Raymon, age 8... and his sister Dorothy, age 11 weeks.
Most all the photographs I have picked up over the years, do not have any notations on the back... so this is rather cool.
I'd like to think that Raymond and Dorothy grew up to be close siblings, in spite of their age difference. Raymond looks to be a doting and protective older brother, and I imagine him taking great care of his little sister. Perhaps they even lived near each other, and their respective families took vacations together.

See you all next week.


In hindsight, moving a bunch of furniture when I already didn't feel well, was probably a bad idea. 
And today, I am paying for it. That said... I did get a bit more done at my mom's house...
and I was able to sell a few items as well... which is good. 

Today is a quintessential summer day for me.... it is cool, but sunny... skies are a solid blue...
dogs are barking and kids are playing in the streets. Birdsong is everywhere... 

Our yard is full of teeny white clover. 
I have never thought about it before, but I've really only used red clover in teas and such.
But here is some great information on white clover, which turns out to be a fantastic medicinal herb!
Look here... and here.... and HERE.


I've been feel lousy all weekend... and into today. Not sure what is going on... but it's annoying. 
Seems like I have this endless replay going on in my head of stuff I shoulda/ oughta be doing... and my body and such just isn't co-operating.
So... for today... I am doing the minimum... and working on a small project just so I can feel like I did something productive.

In other news.... FERNS !
I adore ferns, and we have some stunning sensitive ferns growing in the shady areas of our yard.
They are amazing... and I love them. Look HERE and HERE.