
Part of the reasoning behind unloading most all of the upcycle stuff... is to free me... even if it's just psychologically.... from anything that isn't part of my regular business. Mentally, I always go through the "list" of things I need to get done... and when you have a chronic illness, and perhaps only a few hours a day that you feel up to doing things... you need to focus in on doing things that are truly important to you. Things that make you feel better. For me, that is taking photographs, making jewelry, working on art, having a garden... and in the winter months... I tend to do more needlework and crochet, and make envelopes and such from recycled papers. And of course, snuggling my pup and reading good books. 
Life is short.  You have to do what makes you happy. 


Usually on Wednesdays, I post an old photo to encourage your creative flow.
Not this week, however.

This week, I started the process of cleaning out the remaining supplies and project pieces that I have gathered for the past 4 1/2 years. In order to help keep us financially afloat, I would do these upcycle projects, and turn salvaged materials into something new and different to sell. But... it's time to move on from that a bit... or at least... concentrate more on my business of over 20yrs, MoonGipsies. Oh, I'll still make the occasional item... but not on the level that I've been doing. So.... off it is going.
And it helps that my hubby has bribed me with a luscious strand of beads I've had my eye on for awhile now 😀 The remaining stuff (as of today)... is mostly scrap wood, board lumber, and raw edge lumber. I hope to go through it next week when I have a bit more space (after folks have picked up the stuff I previously listed).  

And so yesterday, I planted an herb box. It's been a trial for me because we have some raised beds, but I just have not had the energy to clean them up as well as I would like, and the planting season is so short here. But we do have rhubarb, lots of onions, garlic and chives.... a few cucumbers coming up... lots of calendula, lemon balm, mint, oregano, marjoram, bee balm and such flourishing. In the box, I planted a couple strawberry plants, a couple kinds of basil, cilantro, parsley, sage... and in another pot... rosemary. We also have a bush loaded with currents, and a handful of blueberries on our tiny blueberry bushes. I am just not myself without a garden... and I love working in the dirt... so it was awesome to be able to at least plant a few things.

And today my hubby is off to a funeral, the daughter has one of her longest days with work... 
and mom and I are home alone (with ZeeZe) and chilling. 
It's overcast, thinking about raining... a good day to just try to relax...


Well, it's Monday... my usual "cleaning day"...
This weekend, I had a long discussion with my daughter and hubby ... which included a conversation about projects. ie: all the "stuff" I have in the basement that I have gathered with the intention of upcycling them into fantastic new stuff... useful stuff... or just plain restoring them. Now... while I am perfectly capable of this kind of work... it is not my favorite thing to do. I am good at it.. and it gives me satisfaction of knowing that I have salvaged something and saved it from the dump. But... with my being increasingly sick these past few years, I find that my Lupus only allows me a few sacred hours of "up" time a day. And... given the choice, there are other things I would choose to be working with.. given that consideration. So. I have to make some tough choices. 
Half of the basement is a make-shift studio space... and the other half is a jumble of a work-shop space. The work shop side has all kinds of raw timber, cut boards, projects, tools and such. This weekend, I started clearing out. I offered a truck-load of stuff for FREE (it's gone now)... and now I am working on photographing and listing other stuff for cheap (or free). It's a process. 
My hubby has promised me a gift ... (beads!) .. when the stuff is all gone. I am giving myself til the end of the month to organize and clear out... and if it's still here... it'll have to go somewhere.
It's time.

for the weekend

fox yelps at sunrise
celebrating hunting's end
as the owls tuck in


I have never been a morning person. Never have been, never will be.
But staying up most of the night for 4 nights in a row... is taxing.
On the plus side... 
I've seen fireflies 2 nights in a row now in the yard...
the foxes sound really happy during their nightly hunts
the owls are hooting about 4am... and probably are settling in their nests...
and at about 4:30 am... I heard the fisher cat screeching.
It's an amazing thing... and if you've never heard one; you should google it.


Today I am starting the process of clearing out the final vestiges of upcycle projects.
These past several years, we  have relied on the income I have made from upcycling salvaged items and such... into new and useful things. I have about 30 projects worth of items... that I will be slowly, but surely, either fixing up or selling as is.... in an attempt to clean out a portion of my studio space.
Of course, I will still be making things... that will not stop. But these "bigger" projects... if we move... would just be excess weight that I don't want to move with. And so... they must be finished... or passed on to someone else.
Stay tuned! Cool stuff to come...


It's been a cool day... lots of visits from friends and family to break up the hours.
I am fairly exhausted, from a night of tossing and turning with back issues... but I will be ok.
And it seems like everyone around me is mowing their lawn..... so I will take a rest indoors today away from the pollen.
See you all tomorrow 💙


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


I don't have a story for you today.... but I do love this picture.
Everyone seems really happy... (except maybe the lady on the left).
And hey... it's JUNE! so there will be lots of weddings coming up this season, et all...
Time to get your creativity on.


Today I had the pleasure of meeting a lady that I have known on the computer for awhile now.
She had decided to clear out some of her craft supplies... and was gracious enough to not only gift them to me; but to bring them to my home; as she and another friend of hers were gallivanting about the area. I have no idea what all is in this fabulous STASH O' STUFF... but I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be able to use some of it. ... and of course, pass on to others what I think I won't use. 

Last night, my son called... and we had an incredible phone marathon into the wee hours of the morning. I love chatting with him. Today,, the weather is a bit overcast and cool... which is wonderful... and I am trying to putz around in the studio a bit; while my mom takes a nap.


It's hard being an adult... even worse... being a responsible one.
This weekend was trying in lots of ways, not the least seemed to be getting some sleep. 
I basically tossed and turned all weekend.... with not much success in that area.
I lost my cool. Stupid things upset me.

There was a Facebook post that I ran across that was talking about how folks today don't want to work for the  money... that they are just out there "trying to get free cheese"... et all. Personally, I don't think you can group anyone like that and call them all *whatever*. So yes, while some folks certainly "abuse the system" ... not everyone does. And certainly, I know lots of folks who work harder and harder.... and it's a tough world out there. It's hard to find a job. Harder still to keep a job... and sometimes, life and other situations throw you a curve-ball... and you end up in the crapper. I think that most people out there, really want the same things in life. We all want a safe, happy place to live, where we can afford to do some of the things we want, and need.... and occasionally, for life to give us a break. ... for something nice to happen. 

It seems like for the past 5 years... we've had curve-ball after curve ball... and it gets old.
It's easy to feel worn out, used up, and abused. It's hard to find encouragement.... especially when it seems like it's a constant one step forward, 2 steps back kind of deal. 

And then there's my mom. This is hard. Harder than I thought it would be. Yes, I have the medical background to take care of her, yes I have the compassion and willingness to take care of her, and so far, I have the ability.... but it's so hard to make sense of the situation.... and to deal with someone you care about, who 90% of the time, really doesn't understand... and misses folks she cares about so desperately, who have already passed on. 

This afternoon, the final straw was a call from the business tax people of the state... 
apparently my payment from last year never went "all the way through"... ie: it was pending for some reason... I have to tell you. This is like a diarrhea inducing thing for me. There is almost nothing worse to me than anticipating doing my taxes. I have a huge fear of messing it up.
So this was a "big deal." But we got there. 

Up and down.... up and down. I am exhausted.
That said... THANK YOU ALL ...
for being there. For being supportive. For hanging in there with me.

And, on the plus side... is that I got a pair of earrings done.

These ones feature gorgeous hand-cast charms from Inviciti Jewelry .
The beads are wire wrapped in sterling, and are Black tourmaline and Herkimer Diamonds!
Total length is about 2 3/4 inches.

*The combined metaphysical properties: Black Tourmaline is all about change; but blocking negativity in doing so. Herkimers, are all about clarity, defining one's thoughts and intentions... so it's all positive "keys to change"....

for the weekend

he sleeps peacefully
expelling a mighty wind
and snoring til dawn...


I don't think I have ever slept well.... but I am trying to get there.
This weekend though... was full of false starts, panic attacks, and restlessness...


Sorry... I just didn't get to posting yesterday... 

It is 7 full days post op... and I think I am recovering from surgery fine. 
That said, I think I am also having some reactions to the Percocet... so I am tapering off it, starting today. 
I am trying to do a bit more... and there are times when I tend to over-do it... which is probably normal. 
In other news... our azalea bush is blooming... and it's gorgeous!


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


I imagine these two lovely ladies are Helene and Hildie (Hildegard)...
co-workers at the local furniture factory, room-mates (and more),
but it was the late 1950s, and folks in small towns really didn't talk much about that...
You can see the love and caring that they feel for each other though.
In the way Helene's eyes shine, in the soft touch of her hand on Hildie's arm,
how fiercely Hildie protects Helene and takes care of the bills and such.
Truth be told, this might be the only photograph of them taken together... but it's a great one.


Somewhere along the way, I lost a day.... and was thinking all day yesterday that it was Sunday.
Alas... no. So.. there is a part of me that feels I a behind already, having not done my usual Monday chores. 
I am sure most of this confusion has to do with post -surgery weirdness and pain meds... 
It's hot. ... and muggy... and it appears we've gone straight into summer weather here. 
Having been up most of the late night/ early morning.... I am just now beginning to settle down to rest... 
and especially now that I have walked ZeeZe to his favorite place (the tiny creek) near our house.  
This weekend, (also probably due to post op pain meds) ... I began to reflect on what was most important to me. We've lived here 4 1/2 years now, and Jim will have to move because of his job within the year. Because I am the primary care giver for mom; I will need to stay here with her, as she would not be inclined to move. That said.... it seems as if we have a year to (once again) sort through the stuff and figure out what needs sold, left behind, or kept. Over the years, I feel like I have done really well at downsizing.... but I also feel that there is more that I can unload. 
There are 2 big "lots" of things that I need to focus on.
One, is all the photos and memorabilia. Ideally, I would like to scan all my photos and slides so that I have digital copies. If I manage to do that, realistically, I could get rid of most all the photos I have. Then it would be a matter of photographing or preserving memorabilia into albums. This would free up a ton of space. 
Second, is all the "upcycle project" pieces. Over the past 4 1/2 years, Jim's work has been sporadic at best, and so to help financially, I've been restoring and re-imagining cast off items, furniture, etc from sales/ dumpster dives, give-aways and such. Now, I enjoy doing this type of work... but when it comes right down to it; if I have 3 hours of energy, would I rather spend those 3hours working on an upcycle project? or something else? So. I have contracted with my daughter to either finish up all the projects in the studio space... or to pass them onto someone else... by Halloween. And yes, I have to have someone to be accountable too.... or I will feel guilty for not finishing them and keep them forever. 
It's a hard thing to decide, and in a way.... I feel very selfish for the decision I've made... but then I got to thinking: 
I just had surgery, and am facing a possibly 6th episode of cancer. 
Everyone reaches points in their life when they have to make seemingly selfish decisions in order to focus, 
refine, and get back to doing what they love. I think this is one of those times for me...
and that is ok.


Today would normally be a "creativity prompt" posting... featuring an old photo and a story or such.
But. Tomorrow I am having surgery... and while I expect everything to go easy and without incident, I thought that I had better post something to let folks know... just in case that it turns out that I am not able to post on my blog or facebook pages for a few days.
So. Please know that everything is most likely fine, I am just taking it easy for a few days. 
I expect to return to my usual daily postings on Monday, the 28th. 


Last night, it rained and rained... coming down hard at about 4am.
And while I didn't get much sleep at all... it was awesome.
Cool... and fresh... and incredible.


Not sure why, but I am not sleeping at night .... and am barely napping in batches during the day...
which means I am super tired... and feeling like I am not getting anything done. 
I am sure it is the lupus rearing up... but on nice days like this, it's especially trying.
Today's walk around the house to take a couple photos completely wore me out... 
and so I will bid you farewell, and see you all tomorrow.


I'm afraid I've been a bad influence.
Folks around here have been mowing their lawns for a couple weeks... and I managed to persuade my hubby to leave the yard alone for a bit longer than he wanted. We have a ton of violets, tiny white blossoms, creeping charlie, dandelions... and all kinds of natural wonders growing profusely in our yard... and I wanted the bees to have the most time possible to benefit from them. But today... was the day. It is probably going to rain the next few days... and the grass was well on it's way to unmanageable. 
And so... today I spent much longer than I thought it would take... to pick the blossoms from a large bunch of the violets in the yard. Years ago, I remember making a violet tea... as well as violet jam... and sugared blossoms for salads and desserts. My focus this time, is on the tea... so now I just have to wait for the blooms to dry... and find a recipe that is like the one I remember my grandmother using.
Here is a great source


It's been a very busy week... and I am eager to just relax... put my feet up... and chill.
I think the pup is right there with me 😁
Yesterday I was able to give ZeeZe a much needed trim, and he even allowed me to trim his nails and bathe him... which is awesome.
He's still on the fluffy/ moppy side ... which I adore. 
Today after running a bunch of errands and going to appointments (but it was nice to get out of the house), I treated myself to a much needed and much appreciated acupuncture visit.... and my sciatica seems greatly improved. I also stopped and picked up a few plants for some pots... and one for the yard. Every year on Earth Day we get a plant/ bush/ tree for our yard... and we missed it this year...
so I got a fabulous Salix Hakuri Nishiki bush... which I will take photos of later on once it gets adjusted. 
Anyway. For now... I have to think of something for dinner. 
Til tomorrow....